The Hexham Debate in which young people discussed their fears and ideas is available here.
The Vimeo of the conversation with XR is available here
The Vimeo of the Climate Crisis Discussion is available here.
Links from February’s Second Sunday Climate Panel.
from Yvonne Conchie:
Her Freelance work
Alistair McIntosh’ Site
Nature’s Living Room CIC: Facebook Page
The Fruiting Tree CIC Facebook Page
Sustainable Allen Valleys: Facebook Page
UN Sustainable Development Goals.
From Helen Forbes:
Eco Church
The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility: ECCR’s vision is to see money used in a way that creates a fairer and more sustainable world. We help faith communities and people to make financial choices which reflect these values and passions.
Flatpack Democracy Group: Contact openhexham@gmail.com
Active Travel Tynedale
Green minded residents who campaign for better walking and cycling infrastructure in the district by organisation walks and cycle rides, engaging with town and county councils and collaborating with other community groups.
email: act.tynedale20@gmail.com
Further Resources
Taking action on Climate
Avaaz – World Leaders: End Plastic Pollution
If you’re also sick of plastic pollution trashing our world, sign and share this urgent campaign. Governments are meeting in days to discuss a new global treaty! Let’s support it. –
Tired of waiting for the Sue Gray Report…Our Council Climate Scorecards are launching!!
This will be the first time all UK Councils Climate Action Plans have been assessed! Check out https://councilclimatescorecards.uk/ where you’ll be able to see how your Council scored and lots more
A calculator to help you see how much something costs to run. This useful tool is from the commercial organisation “Go Compare”.
Carbon Brief: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change
Climate Civic Tool Kit: https://www.earthday.org/climate-civic-camp-toolkit/
Website with ideas, activities and information to use with children young people.
Climate Civics Toolkit: Document
Data Science and Climate Change: Ted Talk: www.datascienceprograms.com/learn/how-data-science-can-help-fight-climate-change/ (with thanks to Jeremy and Mr Michael Waters for drawing our attention to this)
Global Assembly Web Site
Glossary of Terms. A useful summary of frequently used words and their meanings in terms of climate change.
Compiled by Annette McGlade for Tynedale Transformed.
Liddell’s Wood what you can do with a field: Their trees and their blog.
Green New Deal website
Northumberland County Council Climate Change web-page.
Northumberland’s Climate Commitment Action Plan.
NCC Climate Change Newsletter
Email for NCC climate Change team: climate@northumberland.gov.uk
Our World In Data: What are the carbon opportunity costs of our food?
UK Parliament Early Day Motion: climate-and-ecological-emergency-bill
Straw Bale Building: Yorkshire School of Natural Building
Tynedale Transformed: Download our Climate Change Glossary of Key Words and Terms
Action Network Letter Campaign Tell the Labour Party We need a More Ambitious Green Recovery.
38 Degrees Campaign Take real action regarding climate change.
Film Clips
Climate week: 7 films on Climate from 2019
Amazon Fires Projected on Brazilian Consulate in New York – Land Rights Now! 2019 (49seconds)
7 Million And Rising (5mins 33)
Guardians of the Forest takeover Times Square 2019ur Territory (1min 52)
Our Territory (8mins 47)
Spreading the Message of Nature Based Solutions – New York Climate Week 2019 (1min 55)
Our Village: Now open – Chelsea, Manhattan – Climate Week 2019 (1min 01)
On fire: Join the youth and take climate action (1min 27)
Commentary and Articles
BBC series 39 ways to save the planet
BBC News 3rd February 2021 “Government ‘painfully slow’ on protecting environment”
Bloomberg 11th November 2020 Barcelona’s Car Free Block
Guardian Article 10 December 2020. global-citizens-assembly-planned-to-address-climate-crisis
Guardian Gallery 30th December 2020 Iceland’s Innovations to Meet Net Zero
Guardian Article 7th January 2021 Global Heating and Net Zero Emissions.
Guardian Article 26th January 2021 Government’s Green Energy Plan in Chaos
Guardian Article 3rd February 2021 Court Convicts French State for Failure to Address Climate Change.
Inside Climate News 3rd January 2021 Five Aspects of Climate Change 2020
Merseyside: Response to the climate emergency.
Scientific American 6th January 2021 The Climate Emergency In Review
Shields Gazzette 26th November 2020 Pension Pots could be used to fund wind farms and solar power.
The Conversation 25th November 2020 Green Front Gardens Reduce Stress.
The Lancet 17 February 2021 Covid and Moral Imagination.
Tribune Magazine December 2020 Why we need an Eco Socialist Movement