Here’s the programme for the day:
Additional Resource Page Available Here
Hexham Debate “Climate Crisis: Young People’s Perspectives on Their Future.“ 11.00 – 12.00
On 6th February Tynedale Transformed hosted the Hexham Debate in which young people discussed their fears and ideas.
Vimeo recording of that event available here.
2.00 – 3.00 In Conversation with Extinction Rebellion.
A Vimeo recording of the Zoom event is available here
4.00 – 6.00 What we can do to tackle climate change. A zoom panel discussion
The key note speaker was Dr Alan Whitehead MP Shadow Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Minister
with Yvonne Conchie from Sustainable Allen Valleys, Helen Forbes from St. Cuthbert’s Eco church, Rhona Craddock Northern Regional Climate lead for Unison and Alison Smith from Matthias Winter
A Vimeo recording of the Zoom event is available here.
7.00 – 9.00 Film Choices
The evening is film time with links to a range of Climate action films as well as access to lots of resources, videos, articles and information.
Clicking on the film title should take you directly to the relevant page to sign in and / or watch the film.
I am Greta : BBC iplayer (available for a year to licence fee holders)
An intimate documentary about a young girl who has become the voice of a generation. The story of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is told through compelling never before seen footage.
David Attenborough – Climate Change – The Facts : BBC iplayer (available for 2 months)
After one of the hottest years on record (2019) Sir David Attenborough looks at the science of climate change and potential solutions to this global threat.
Nick Miller Presents; You Tube
Nick Miller is a student trained by Al Gore as part of his Climate Change Project. Learn about the myths and misconceptions, the overwhelming challenges and the need to seek solutions. (2008)
European Activism; You Tube
Record heat, forest fires, drought – global warming is increasingly noticeable across Europe. The climate crisis appears unavoidable. But people are continuing to to eat, fly and consume just as the always have (Pre Pandemic)
Geo-engineering – a real solution?: Top Stories Media Centre
Engineers and scientists are trying to intervene in the Earth’s geochemical cycles. Because it appears efforts to cut CO2 won’t suffice to avoid irreversible climate change. But does geoengineering offer a real solution? Or is it just human hubris?
Engineers and scientists are trying to intervene in the Earth’s geochemical cycles. Because it appears efforts to cut CO2 won’t suffice to avoid irreversible climate change. But does geoengineering offer a real solution? Or is it just human hubris?