October 10th 2021 : Refugees in Crisis
Tynedale Transformed’s Second Sunday, on October 10th, was concerned with Refugees in Crisis. From the global to the local, and the personal, we discussed what is happening, what should be done, and what can we do about it. Featuring a Hexham Debate talk by the Refugee Council, conversations with organisations and individuals and, most importantly, the voices of refugees.
All events are free to attend. If anyone feels able to contribute to a local refugee charity there are links for cash donation pages below.
11.00: Hexham Debate. Refugee rights in an age of nationalism and austerity.
Maurice Wren, Chief Executive of the U.K. Refugee Council describes the arrangements for refugees in a European context. This was recorded back in 2016. It gives us pause to think what has actually changed over the last five years
2.00 to 3.00: In Conversation with David Harrop: Social Workers without Borders.
4.00 to 5.30: Panel Discussion. What can we do to help? Featuring Jim Robertson: The Crossings Project, Anne Bingham: Action Language, Aby: PhD student in Human Rights, Smajo Beso from Bosnia, Judy Waters: Befriender
7.00 to 8.00: The Power of Storytelling. Malcolm Green from a Bit Crack discussed ways to use stories to break down barriers and start a dialogue. He then shared a folk tale.